I’m starting to go crazy😕



2 weeks ago, I was 32w 5d pregnant and I noticed reduced fetal movement. I did all the things. Drink a cold sugary drink, lay on left side, take a bath, loud noises, push on the baby. I couldn’t get her to do anything. I eventually found myself in the OB ED because I couldn’t get her to do anything. They hooked me up to the monitor and said she looks great but they wanted to do a BPP to get a better look. Little love failed for no fetal movement with a 4/8. They kept me overnight for observation and a repeat ultrasound in the morning. She passed the next day with a 6/8 and they sent me on my way.

Fast forward to 35w 2d pregnant I’m on my way to the chiropractor and I feel like I can’t catch my breath&the baby hasn’t moved but a handful of times all day (its 2 in the afternoon) at the chiropractor to see if she could get the baby to turn (she was breech) I’m laying on my back for a total of maybe 2 minutes and I begin to feel sick. I told her I needed to sit up. As soon as I do, everything goes black, I get sweaty, my ears are ringing, and I lose all color from my face. My chiropractor checked my blood pressure and as one can imagine, it was low 90/60. She told me she didn’t feel comfortable with me driving home and to walk over to my OBs office and see if they would squeeze me in (their offices are right next door to one another) she also pushed on my belly trying to get the baby move but to no avail. I tell them what happened and they hook me up to an NST which apparently didn’t look to great so my Midwife sends me to ultrasound to check my fluid levels. They look great. Me and the ultrasound tech were talking and I tell her how I hadn’t felt the baby moving much and about my little episode. She watches for 23 minutes and doesn’t see the baby move anything, except maybe a toe twitch. She informs my midwife who sends me to the hospital for observation. She doesn’t look great the first hour but for the next 3 they say she looks good and they give me the okay to go home. During my time in the hospital I feel the baby move a handful of times.

And on to today, it’s been 2 days since and I haven’t felt the baby move. I don’t want to be the boy who cried wolf but it’s really beginning to make me feel uneasy.

So my question to you is....what would you do? Go back in or stay home and wait it out?