Talking to a Shy Boy... Help!

Hi, so I'm 16 years old and I just started taking a drivers ed class a few weeks ago.

The way the class goes is basically every Monday afternoon I have a 45 minute lecture, and every Saturday morning I have a 1-hour driving lesson that's split up for 3 students - me and 2 others - and we each drive for 20 minutes. The other 40 minutes, you sit in the back with another person.

So anyways, I pulled up to driver's ed for the first time and got into my assigned car - and could not believe my eyes. Clearly, I was being rewarded for SOMETHING because the boy that was sitting in the backseat was absolutely gorgeous.

So I did my 20 minutes of driving because I had to go first, then hopped in the backseat... but of course it was his turn, next. Instead of him, I talked to the third girl in the car who knew this boy from school. She was super outgoing and friendly.

Then, after another 20 minutes had FINALLY passed, it was time for me to be in the back with this guy! So he strolls around and gets to the seat next to me and I immediately turn to him and ask: “When's your birthday?” (Me and the girl had just been discussing this).

I watch him as turns towards me, forcing himself to make some sort of fleeting eye contact, and nervously says while fiddling with his pants, “April.” He then paused for a moment and added quietly... “You?”

I responded and told him when mine was and secretly hoped that our conversation would keep going, but it sort of ended there. For the rest of our short time together, I kept trying to make small talk (at the very least), but I could tell he was extremely shy. I got a lot of quiet and short responses, which made it a little difficult to keep going.

Regardless, the lesson ended and we parted ways. I ended up missing the following Saturday’s class - and he missed the one after that. But I kept thinking of him for some reason.

Then at long last, I saw him again just a few days ago at our most recent lesson. I was so ready and excited to talk to him, even if I knew he would be quiet, but when the time came, I couldn't think of anything to say! We sat in silence for those 20 minutes as I racked my brain, yet ultimately ran out of time.

I need some help. Please give me some advice!! Some conversation starters! Anything! I'm really, really intrigued by him, and I want to get to know him, but I don't know how. I don't want to overwhelm him or make him feel uncomfortable

Thank you!!