Announcing out success on Glow

Jamie-lee • Jamie-Lee

After being axially stressed out January and beginning Feb..I thought my period would be late.

Many people suspected I was pregnant but I said chances were slim right now.

Never the less, got a test.. the morning of Feb 26 at 2am I decided to just wee on that stick.

Waiting with nerves as high as a kite, minutes later:

I was baffled!

2 hours later I fell asleep just to get up an hour after.

Sitting up thinking about literally everything. But mainly how I was to tell my partner.

With not much in me to keep it so long, I quickly bruShed up on my creative skills and boom!!!

I first made him hot chocolate in this huge mug I got and at the bottom after finishing the drink said, "You're finally going to be a bio dad"..

Handed the box to him and I just could not catch his reaction on time even tho he sat in that same reaction for about 10minutes maybe more..I went back to motherly duties.

So we figured we might be about 8 weeks at the time. Was so surreal..

Scheduled our first ultrasound...


12 March - There's a baby! So excited, was sleeping.

Woke baby up to get better images.

The shock we got next omg..

Told the tech we're about 10 weeks.

Measured baby

12 weeks 1 day.

Heart rate 158 at the time of the scan.

I'm 13w1d today on my mom's 55th!!