In your sexually active life ,

How many times have you had a condom break ?

My SO and I got together almost 4 years ago , we used a condom 3 times , each one broke but we didn't know until after he finished. So we decided it was better to pull out and finish either into a towel or my mouth than to assume it was safe and actually be letting it ooze into me (yes I know the wording is graffic) so we used pullout method for 2 1/2 years before we started trying for a baby. Fast forward to having had my baby and were having sex again I started my birth control last week but for the first week you're supposed to use a back up method so we were using condoms again and we've had ANOTHER one break this makes 4/7 we've ever used . I'm assuming he just doesn't know wtf he's doing in putting one on and I've mentioned maybe he needs to look up specifics and he swears I'm the only one he's ever been with that this keeps happening so he "knows" it's not him and the condoms are brand new so that's not the reason. But the guy I was with before him , in 2 years of having sex multiple times almost every day we didnthave a single one break to our knowledge. So what gives ? Have any of you ever had them break so often ?