38 week appt

Tree • 💙3-15-16❤3-22-18💙3-28-19

So yesterday i had my ob appt and was told I'm still 3cm and 50% effaced. (This is my third pregnancy) They dont do membrane sweeps until 39 weeks and I can call this week to schedule an induction for next week if I wanted.

I'm not due until April 1st but I'm so tired of hurting and dont want a 3rd March baby. If baby comes on his own then obciously I have no control over that. My husband is of no help as he says its up to me which is fine. Ive had two other inductions (one medical and one not). I already know how inductions go but not if I went into labor on my own or would still need to be induced.

And I'm NOT looking for suggestions on how to induce labor.

Have you ladies been in this situation or close and what did you do?