Pregnant with rainbow baby.


Has anyone had a MC but they knew in their Heart for some reason that it was going to happen again and then fall pregnant and feel like everything will be okay and it was?! I don’t know how to explain it with my second pregnancy (I have a 2 year old) I knew as soon as I got pregnant something was wrong my test never got as dark as they did with my 1st pregnancy and I just didn’t feel pregnant I just felt like shit... I had a Mc at 5 weeks. This time I fell pregnant completely without trying we were even using condoms I was too scared to become pregnant again ( it took us 6 months to conceive the baby we lost) I didn’t want to go through that yet . Well I took a test because I felt off and it was hella positive right away! My tests got darker than they ever did with my 2nd pregnancy and idk how to explain it but this time I feel excited and I feel like everything is okay and we will have our rainbow baby !