Tooth infection 😣


Hi all, I'm nearly 18 weeks pregnant and in the UK.

I have an infection in one of my wisdom teeth. I've been given 5 days of amoxicillin (antibiotics) and after 3 days of those meds I feel no better. I can only take paracetamol (pain relief) every 4 hours but it only helps soothe the pain slightly for 45 mins. max. The dentist said there is nothing else they can do. Apparently I have to gargle hot salty water, brush my teeth regularly, use Corsodyl Gel and be as healthy as I can until the infection drains then go to the dentist for a check up once it's passed...

I'm in agony with the pain, have constant headaches, pain when swallowing, can't sleep and am swollen and sore. I can't fully open my mouth so eating is a real chore too.

I wonder if any of you have had any similar experiences and have any tips to help to get rid of the infection and soothe the pain?

Thanks in advance xxx