Very very confused

Hannah • 5 beautiful children 14 angel babies pregnant and shooting for #6: the last one

Okay y'all bear with me its a bit of a long story but I need to know if someone had similar things happen. Okay so i miscarried Feb 8 I was 5-6 weeks. I marked the start of bleeding as my first CD i didn't track ovulation after that. I went on to have what I thought was my first actual period after the MC. Well Thursday I had some cramping but thought maybe it was because I was getting somewhat close to ovulation. Friday tmi I had aloooot of watery cm to the point of wearing a pad. It has been that way since Friday. I decided to test Friday and got what I thought was a vvvvvfl but it's wasn't so much there that I believed it. I tested and still had a vfl sunday, I tested yesterday and it was negative. Tested today and i got a very apparent line! I went to the doctor and he said i am pregnant my test is positive and he wants to do blood work. I am just freaking out about how this is even possible when i had what I thought was a period 11 days ago. Please tell me someone has been threw this!!