

So I just contacted my ex/child’s father and asked him if he would like to be involved in any of the festivities.. like baby shower gender reveal w.e I said if you don’t feel comfortable u can let me know that as well.. all he rote back was cool.. I said I’m not sure what that means so I said I find out in the next 2 or 3 weeks and that if he doesn’t want to be involved he should let me kno so I won’t keep asking him about something he doesn’t want to be apart of..

My thing is it hurt my feelings because I’m just still shocked at how she’s acting.. throughout our entire relationship all I spoke about was children and asked if he wanted more and he agreed and said he did we had consistent unprotected sex for him to act this way toward me it Jst makes me not want anything to do wit him.. like I really just don’t even want him in my child’s life fr.. I kno I’m probably being emotional but it’s like come on now just be cool u don’t have to be a jerk about it..

it’s not even about wanting to be with him or w.e I’m over that its just like why not be cool we didn’t break up because of anyone doing anything wrong I didn’t cheat or anything so why not be cool now that we are separate if that makes sense..