I need help


Me and my boyfriend have been having sex like once or twice every two days for the past two weeks since he got home but I had unprotected sex on the day I was ovulating and unprotected sex two days before that but he pulled out I know not the smartest decision but I’ve been nauseous and lightheaded I can eat like a few bites of a meal and not be hungry anymore or get really bad stomachaches so we’ve had sex a total of three times I’m protected he’s worried and I’m worried because I’ve been getting really sick lately and I can’t talk to anyone about it or go anywhere. I feel like I can barely even keep water down idk what to do i’m supposed to start my period March 29 so if I don’t should I start being worried?

This post isn’t asking if I can get pregnant it’s asking if it sounds like I am so stop telling me that if I have unprotected sex I could get pregnant I already know that. I’m just saying by the symptoms dose it sound like I could be pregnant