Slow Rising HCG


Does anyone have any experience with HCG slowing down after 6 weeks? I’m currently 7w1d but had an ultrasound last week at 6w3d due to a prior ectopic. We could see the sac and a blip that was baby with a flickering that was the hb. Doctor couldn’t get it to come up so we could hear it but said that was common at that early. Baby was measuring 6w2d so that seemed promising but she still sent me to have blood work done. First round came back at 32,770 and 40 hours later came back at 38,547. I freaked because it wasn’t anywhere close to doubling and couldn’t get ahold of my doctor but from what I could google, at those numbers, it can take well over 96 hours to double. My OB called today to say it should have doubled in 2 days so it doesn’t look good. I have a follow up u/s on Monday and don’t know if I should be preparing for the worst or if everything seems ok. Hard to sort of what I’m reading and saw on the u/s with what she said.