How did you tell hubby/so??

I've hinted to my hubby but questioning how to really tell him I'm pregnant again...

Back story - we weren't trying exactly but not preventing and after a rough go with our son (from pregnancy till now at 18mo lol) he's nervous of having another. Mostly how we can handle 2 but we never wanted an only child either so on the same page. Even our pedi has called my son high maintenance lol. But no matter what i do his first reaction may be terror not excitement 🙄🤦‍♀️

But that said what cute creative things did you do or are you planning??? I ordered a onsie for our son and a onsie for baby 2 but not sure how to use them. Give a gift bag? Have him dress our son in the morning and lay out that onsie? Hang them on the crib? Ideas and/or advice appreciated!!!