What would you do? misdiagnosed and very rude nurse practitioner


I went to the ER Friday morning due to some bleeding after intercourse. I had an ultrasound done (it only showed gestational sac/yolk sac) because the baby was so small. I was 5 weeks 5 days.. they measured my hcg levels and those were excellent! So all seemed well with the baby.. however they tested me for Bacterial Vaginosis and it came back positive. The ER doctor wanted me to take an antibiotic but when I brought up my concerns about taking it so early in my pregnancy, he told me to wait and follow up with my OB Monday morning. So that’s what I did! I went in early Monday morning and spoke with a Nurse Practitioner. I told her my concerns and also asked her to retest me for BV (just in case) before I take the antibiotic. She was very reluctant on retesting me and still insisted I take the antibiotic. She also said there is no “intrauterine pregnancy” and until we see a baby will she even consider me pregnant. She then followed with threatening that if I don’t take the antibiotic that I WILL miscarry. It was very traumatic hearing her saying all of this to me and my husband in such a blunt and rude way. We couldn’t believe it. Well long story short, my results came back NEGATIVE that day for BV. I also had my hcg levels measured again and those tripled!! Of course, she still insisted I take an antibiotic. I disagreed and decided to go to my primary doctor and explained everything to them. They decided to also retest me (the following day) and I got the results.. again NEGATIVE for BV. After stressing and researching and freaking out.. me and my husband decided for me not to take the antibiotic. It has been a stressful week to say the least. We were treated with so much disrespect by the nurse practitioner and it honestly only made everything worse for us.

What would you do if you were in this situation?! Would you still take an antibiotic knowing both results by two different doctors on different days showed negative?!