Symptoms during tww

Hi everyone, Today I am 11 DPO, yesterday I tested and I thinkkkk I saw a vvvfl, but it could just be my hopeful eyes. I could also be over analyzing my current symptoms but I just feel off. I feel like I’m constantly having brain farts, and my lower back as of this morning has been hurting like crazy, along with some tugging sensations on my left where you’d normally experience cramps, except it doesn’t feel like AF cramps. I’ve also felt dizzy and am experiencing headaches which I don’t normally have. I do normally get really bad backaches, but only once I already begin my period about 2-3 days in. By now, I would’ve already been spotting for what would be my period even though my calendar estimates my AF to begin either Saturday or Sunday.

Any thoughts? Did any of you also experience similar symptoms?