Charlie horses? Whats normal?


So I've got a question. I normally only get Charlie horses while I'm pregnant. It's one of the first things that tipped me off before I tested aside from sore breasts and nausea. Anyways. I will get one and then for the next two or three days I will still have pain in my leg. Normally I get them at night when I'm asleep and I wake up to them. Then the morning and day after I'm a little sore, but the next day after that it will feel like I've been hit with a soft ball in the back of the calf. I've noticed this happens every time I get a Charlie horse, day two after it I'm very sore and the muscle feels strained, it also painful to the touch like a bruise. My man says this doesn't happen to him when he's had them so I was wondering if anyone else experiences this? Is it something I need to have checked out?