Men, do you feel love like this?

Every time I watch a cheesy romantic movie, like Ever After or Moulin Rouge, and I see how much the man LOVES the woman, it makes me want to cry.

I’ve felt that love before. That intense, desperate, swelling feeling in your chest where you feel “in love” and hope to god they love you back. I’ve felt that a handful of times in my life. And I’m wondering if men feel that, for real, too. Or if those movies are just made for women, and in reality men just simply really enjoy their partner and consider that to be love?

Do men feel that intense desperation of love like we do? Where you feel like this is your person and you fear losing them? Where you fear the scenario where they might not love you back? Where, at least in the moment of this emotion, you feel like you’d lay the world at their feet? Or is it just about having a good time and good sex?

I’ve felt this intense version of love for my current boyfriend, but I can promise that what I feel at the end of those romance movies he has never felt about me (or anyone else for that matter).

Is this something wrong with him? Wrong with us? Or should I not assume men feel the same intense, desperate in-love emotions that women feel?