Could it be such a coincidence ?

Rainbow baby 🌈 11weeks

I am sharing what I’m going through, because I am scared and don’t have anyone to talk to..

2 years ago I found out I was pregnant with my second baby, in December. Here comes 12 weeks schedule for ultrasound. The baby stopped growing at 8 weeks.. a couple days after I was in for a D&C, hour before my operation my angel came out on its own..

After surgery, I went home to take care of my first child. I got a call, saying my grandmother (who was like a second mother to me) passed away. I live in different country then her.. was taken away very young from her. I couldn’t say goodbye.. I lost them both..

exactly 2 years now. I found out I am pregnant with my third baby. Ultrasound got scheduled the same day I was scheduled for operation and had lost my grandmother 2 years ago.

I was told, I am 8 weeks .. with a heart beat... oh I cried, of joy !!

Could it be such a coincidence? Oh the feeling that she is with me is so real.. both of my beautiful angels are watching over us...

Not 12 weeks yet.. doctor won’t check heart beat till after 12 weeks..

Now I find my grandfather (who was like a father as well, I didn’t have a father growing up but him)

His close to passing away.

I know it’s natural, I know its meant to be, but could it be again. Could this baby leave to heaven with him?

I don’t know. I am in fear..

could it be such a coincidence ?

Who ever takes the time to read this, I greatly appreciate it. I am in such a desperate situation/feeling, I feel like I am drowning. I am loosing a love one, could I be loosing two ?

I haven’t shared the news with anybody about my pregnancy so I am feeling very lonely.

,thanks 💓🌈