Listen to your body


Ladies listen to your body!!

For years and I literally mean 2-3 years I have felt like something was off with my body. I gained weight even when I was actually eating better and I was so tired all the time but I thought it was from starting a “real” job, I’m a hygienist. I have naturally curly, full hair and I noticed more and more hair coming out in the shower. I told my doctor something was wrong but she wouldn’t listen. My labs all came back “WNL” but myself noticed my thyroid hormone going up over 3 years. Then last year I had two miscarriages one being ectopic leading to me loosing my right tube. So I went for a second opinion at a new doctor and we immediately put me on thyroid medicine. I have now been on thyroid medicine for 6 weeks and I feel like a new person! I’m no where near as tired and even my hair stylist noticed a lot less hair coming out! So fingers crossed this was the answer and a rainbow baby this year! ❤️❤️