Second guessing baby name. What should I do?? (read below)


First things first, I am a very indecisive namer. When I have to name a pet it takes me like 2 weeks after I get them to choose a name and then I often end up changing it.

I'm 37 weeks with a team green (surprise gender) baby and I'm struggling with a girl name. Prior to becoming pregnant I had 2 girl names I loved as options. At about 14 weeks another girl name just came to me and I instantly thought "that's it!" and ditched the other two.

However, now I am second guessing it. Maybe because the name is a little more common or "plain" than I like. Maybe because it doesn't look cute written. I don't know, my feelings aren't rational this far into the 3rd trimester.

Anyways, I'm super worried that I'm going to pop out a little girl and she's never going to get named because I'm not "madly in love" with an girl names. The previous two names don't really feel special to me anymore.

What do I do? Do I keep the name that felt so right but I'm now second guessing? Do I choose other options in hopes to find "the one"?

Help me glow friends!

PS. For anyone wondering, the name I'm second guessing is Kendall.

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