Needing Some Insight


I started my period pretty late. When I was almost 16 or actually 16 years old. I never had a very regular period, and my cramps were pretty bad so I started the pill when I was 17, about a year and a half after getting my period for the first time.

I went off the pill 6 years later and I’m having a hard time getting back on track (September of 18 is when i stopped). Initially I didn’t have my period for 76 days, then it was 43 days, then 46, and now I’m about 28 days in and it doesn’t seem like it’s about to start.

I know this is normal but now I have no idea when I ovulate. The <a href="">glow app</a> doesn’t really change when I ovulate based on my irregular cycle, it just continues to assume that I am on a 28 day cycle.

Is there a way to know when you are ovulating? If I start to regularly have my periods every 44 days is there is a way to find out when the day is that I can get pregnant?

I’m sure this question has been posed before - but I couldn’t find anything recent. Thanks in advance!!!