After almost 3 years...

Jessica • married.mid 30s. Pregnant with baby #1.

After almost 3 years of TTC, we decided to give medicated <a href="">IUI</a> a try this month. I peed on these 8 &10 days post <a href="">IUI</a>.. thought maybe it was too soon, but I couldn't help myself. I took 2 clear blue digital testers and one came out "not pregnant" and the other was an error. So I thought maybe these 2 faint lines were from the trigger test.

So on day 12 post <a href="">IUI</a>, I was scheduled to get my blood drawn, I couldn't help myself since it was my husband's birthday... I also didn't tell him my blood draw had been moved up since he was going out of town the day before it was supposed to be drawn. Well.. I got my BFP

I had a present arranged for him in my closet hidden for over a year for when I got my BFP.. so I came out of our bedroom and asked if he wanted his present before work or when we both got home. He said he'd open it then ( he told me later he thought I had gotten him a belt when he saw the small box and needed one for his trip). He opened it and said "really?! Is this real" and I showered him the pregnancy stick in my hand. He jumped up and hugged me so tight. And says he didn't want to go to work now that he knew... But I made him... Told him it would be confirmed that evening with the blood test. .. he went to work, my sister ended up having her baby the same day. He's so excited our niece shares his birthday...His words were " best birthday ever, I got a new niece and a baby"

Go back to recheck bloodwork tomorrow to make sure hcg levels are rising. So excited... He's going to be a great dad!