Does grieving come in waves or can you control it?


The middle/end of January my mom unexpectedly died. I was the one who found her and when I did, it was too late. I was numb for weeks and didn’t believe it actually happened. I’m an only child, and the anniversary of my dad’s passing was last weekend and everything’s starting to hit me very hard. I’ve been going through PTSD where I remember the day of finding her, and wherever I am I just lose myself. I only get these flashbacks when I’m really by myself or just don’t have a distraction (mostly when I’m driving by myself). I started to go to therapy a few weeks ago and my therapist said that I can control these moments and stop them from happening if I take my days off of work to grieve.

So basically my question is, do you guys believe that this is something I can take control of fully or no? Because everyone else has told me that these emotions and times will come in waves.