My Birth Story

Emily • 👼🏻 on 02/03/2016 (9weeks) 🌈 born 03/20/2019 Gabriel Ethan 💙 👼🏻on 03/11/2020 (4-5weeks) 🌈 Born 01/21/2021 Leonidas Jason 💙 💙 Due 03/29/2022

So today was my due date but I had to go in on the 18th to be induced due to protein in my urine, high blood pressure monitoring, and severe pitting on my super swollen legs and feet. I was 1cm and 50% effaced they started cervidil around 1030 that night and no change at all by the next morning besides some mild cramping/contractions they let me shower after they took it out to have a break before they started the second round about 1130. That round only made me dilate to 1.5cm and no change in effacement but it made the cramps get a lot worse. They decided to try cytotec and boy did the cramping get worse they started it around 1230 and it was due again at 430 but they couldn't give me a second dose of it because it was causing me to contract to often. It did make me dilate to 2.5cm by 430am by 7am I was 3.5cm and the pain just kept getting worse so I finally told the nurse I needed an epidural around 845am my boyfriend helped me to the bathroom to pee while the nurse was setting everything up and when I started to dribble a little out I screamed out in pain it hurt so bad my boyfriend came rushing into the bathroom and held my hands and let me rest my head on his stomach til the pain passed then him and the nurse had to almost pick me up and help me back to bed when the nurse checked me I was at 9cm so i couldn't get the epidural. My water broke at 903 am and our beautiful baby boy was born at 914 am on 3/20/19 weighing in at 5lbs 7oz and 19.25 inches long

He is so perfect! 😍😍😍😍😍