Leap 5


Anyone else going through leap 5? We are only like 2 days in and I’m already exhausted! My baby is crying so much during the day, having trouble sleeping, and if she isn’t crying it’s a whine. How do you handle all this without going crazy?? By the end of the day when my husband gets home I’m ready to hand her off and go to my room, I know it sounds bad but the whining all day is draining on top of having trouble napping. I have noticed that during her leaps she gets tired quicker, she doesn’t stay awake as long as she normally would if she wasn’t going through a leap, so I try to catch her before she gets to tired to try to have her start going to sleep. I’m trying to get her to nap in her crib (I know bad timing, but didn’t think about it till after I was already a week in) it’s hard enough on a normal day and seems during this leap it’s even worst. Ugh...anyone else struggling?