NT measurement of 6.5, NIPT negative


Hi guys, just a quick update after our initial NT measurement of 6.5. They were unable to do CVS because of angle of placenta so did NIPT instead and just got results- negative for trisomy 21, 13, 18. It’s been such a hard week waiting on these results that we have decided to cancel the repeat attempt at a CVS and just going to enjoy this moment for now. There is still a 20% change of pregnancy loss and definitely still high risk for other abnormalities but finding out gender and getting the all clear for this first round of tests gave us cause to celebrate and we realized we liked this feeling much better ☺️. Next step will be an early anatomy scan at 15 wks to see if anything shows up there. I appreciate your prayers and good wishes, and def feel free to reach out if you find yourself in a similar situation!