So I had the abortion.


Sensitive subject and as real as can be, left out a few irrelevant details but here it is!

Just an update, I thought I was tell you all because this is supposed to be a judgement-free group, and also for anyone may be going through the same thing. I was 8 weeks pregnant, and very confident about my decision. It had me feeling sort of down for a few days after..because well it’s really just an unfortunate thing to happen, you know. But I don’t feel guilty about it. It happens and it can happen to anyone. I was also very early in my pregnancy so I feel like it didn’t effect me as badly.

Anyway- so how it went down. The abortion itself was $470 at planned parenthood but thank god we were able to get it covered with insurance. I had my mom come with me for comfort instead of my boyfriend of 4+ years lol, (he doesn’t have lady parts, what can I say?🤷🏻‍♀️)

Me and mom are sitting in the main lobby, then my name is called. They took me back to another smaller lobby behind the door from which they call out names. I was very nervous, but then I began talking to some young ladies near my age who were going through the same procedure, an in-clinic abortion. It was comforting to talk to some women who were literally in my shoes at that moment, (don’t be shy, it’ll help ease the mind!) They did a few lab tests (vaginal ultrasound, finger prick for iron level, weight and height of myself, blood pressure). Then they had me take an antibiotic and two [large] ibuprofen before the procedure. I was shitting bricks of course because I chose to be put to sleep while they did it. Well after I swallowed the 3 pills I had to wait a little while, it was pretty busy that day. They finally took me back to start the procedure. The ladies who took care of me were phenomenal, all very understanding, kind, and gentle. I was mostly scared of the IV needle but literally barely felt a pinch because of how gentle the woman was. There were 4 women in the room, one to observe, one to put me to sleep, one to do the procedure and one to assist. They talked to me as I drifted off, and before I knew it I was awake in the recovery room with a heating pad on my lower abdomen and a blanket. One woman asked if I wanted a snack and hot chocolate, (snackssss?? of course I do! lol). I felt like I just took a really good nap after I woke up, and I was okay to walk around in a few minutes. I had, and still have minimal bleeding, like a normal period. The cramps the day after the procedure were a little bad, but I powered through it- I also hadn’t taken any pain killers which I was prescribed but I felt like I didn’t need them. If you take painkillers the day after you’ll be good to go! I’m perfectly fine now, this was done 4 days ago.

I decided to write this post for anyone who was in my shoes and was worried about their decision to terminate their pregnancy. I wrote this to comfort those who may not know their decision yet. I’m telling you the procedure is not bad at all, a little nerve racking but literally done and over with in a short matter of time. I would say your mentality to go through with terminating your pregnancy may just be the hardest part. The women at planned parenthood did a phenomenal job of taking care of me, and I made sure to tell them that.

To anyone who is feeling lost in their decision, just remember, it’s YOUR body. YOUR life. Don’t let anyone influence YOUR decision. You are not alone in this! Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to❤️ Best of luck😌