On the 3rd of September I went into the maternity triage because I was having contractions

Shyann • Two magic little boys<3 Crunchy mama<3 Jesus<3
On the 3rd of September I went into the maternity triage because I was having contractions. This is five days before my due date, so they watched me for an hour. I had made no change so they sent me home. (Which I was totally fine with- I didn't want to be there until I had to be.) So I came home and tried to relax. The contractions wouldn't stop though. All night long I kept waking and while I was sleeping I was dreaming of being in labor! Haha. Throuought the next day I was having contractions all day. I was timing them and getting so excited when they got to five minutes apart. My goal was five minutes apart for two hours and then I would go to the hospital, but every time I'd be coming up on that second hour boom... Ten minutes apart... Fifteen minutes apart... It was frustrating. So I came home and rolled around on my birthing ball for a few hours, took a warm bath and headed to bed. I had some pretty fierce contractions in my sleep. My boyfriend stayed up to watch me and wake me when he felt it needed and eventually he did! Lol. I woke up with STRONG contractions a minute to two minutes apart. We got our bags and headed to the hospital. When we arrived I was already five centimeters! I labored for awhile but they decided to break my water for me and then things really started to pick up. Before I knew it I was at seven. The pain was unreal but I found a way to put my mind ahead of it. I just breathed as deep as I could  into my belly and imagined my body opening up for the baby and that got me through the entire process. I also was using the squat bar and swaying back and forth which REALLY seemed to help. Around eight, which was my transition period, I decided to take a small dose of temporary pain meds to take the edge off. It wore off every hour and at about an hour and fifteen minutes after my first and only dose I asked if there was any way to get a tad more and they checked me and said no way! I was at ten and ready to go. I felt like I was in a trance.  I had to wait for the doctor to get there which was awful! She finally arrived and I started pushing using the squat bar. Eight minutes later my beautiful eight pound three ounce baby was into the world! He latched right away and every second has been magical since!