

I know we are all in this ttc journey together..

It's such a hard and sometimes lonely journey.

My husband and I are on 2 years and 7 months of ttc baby number 2.

We have a soon to be 5 year old that took 2 years to get pregnant.... I was hoping it would have been easy the second time.

Had testing done in September and I have a blocked fallopian tube.

I'm constantly praying for it to be my time... for God to hear my cries. And asking him to move this mountain in my life. Because I have faith... even if its the size of a mustard seed... that's all we need.

Please pray with me and for me...

I should be ovulating today and I just want it to be my turn.

Waiting is hard...

Waiting while others get pregnant 2 times in the time we have been trying (my sister in law, and my sister) is hard.