Am I just crazy or 😫

Callie • Engaged ❤ Dog and kitty mom of 4 🐾 First born on 7-15-20 💙 twins due July 2021 💙💖

Hi, I'm currently 21 days late. My last AF was Feb 10th. I have NEVER been this late, unless I'm on birth control, I've been off for like 6 months straight and have had pretty regular periods. We used pre seed a few days after my period (not exactly sure when) and havent had a period or any real specific PMS symptoms. Last week I was feeling nauseous and its gotten better, I've felt little cramps around my pelvic area, I usually get them in the middle of my stomach, I've been tired and really moody. I know what it feels like when your period is close and I havent felt anything like that. I took 2 tests about 5 days ago, BFN. Since then, I seem to be having little cravings and headaches and the little cramping.

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I also had a dream about a week and a half ago about being pregnant and I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. And now everytime I think about it, I get them and I've never felt this way before...I'm so anxious to test, because if its BFN I'm not only going to be crushed, but also embarrassed...I really feel different this time but it could just be me...I'm keeping my fingers crossed 😭🤞❤