We made it 6 weeks!


I never got a chance to share my birth story, but since baby girl is 6 weeks old now and gives me a minute to myself I figured I could share bc it helped me so much to just read everyone else's stories to know every birth really is completely different and unique!

So I'm a first time mama to my rainbow baby and until my girl was in my arms I didnt really think it was real, like somehow I'd go in to deliver and they'd be like "Nah, this isnt really happening" so I was never really nervous about delivery until I was actually there and it was happening.

So the day before my due date I went to my Dr (who I drive an hour to see) and everything was great. Dialated 2 cm and had a few contractions but nothing that was consistent or able to be timed. I am just over being pregnant at this point as I'm not able to get comfortable no matter what, always short of breath, heartburn out the wazoo, and just ready to be done. Dr basically says we have 2 options, 1) Wait and see what happens naturally and run the risk of him not being able to deliver baby as he'll be out of town that weekend or 2) I come back to the hospital that evening and we get the process started. I chose option 2 bc I didn't want to risk another Dr delivering my baby...

At 6 PM Tuesday Feb 12 I got admitted and by 7 PM I had had cervadil placed. I was dialated to a 3 and my contractions had picked up slightly during the day and I was prepared to just hang out all night. Throughout the night my contractions kept getting more and more regular but weren't super painful, I just had constant back pain.

7 AM Wednesday Feb 13 rolls around and my Dr comes by and says I'm dialated to a 4 and decides I dont need Pitocin, we are just going to break my water and go from there. At this point I had only one dose of pain medication in my IV as I was REALLY trying to avoid an epidural as I'm a total wuss with needles and I hated the thought of the whole process. Well, after my water broke things got interesting... I lasted about an hour and a half before I couldn't handle the contractions and at 9 AM I got an epidural while I was then dialated to a 7. THEN baby's heartrate was dropping with every contraction so the nurse kept coming in to reposition me and every time she came in she either had another person with her or was more urgent than the time before. Ends up I have to lay on my right side with my left leg up in a stirrup to keep my pelvis open and baby happy. I was also on some oxygen which is when hubby started to get worried. By 11 AM I was complete and they called my Dr to come in as they wanted him there the whole time I was pushing since we had been having the heartrate issue earlier.

11:15 AM I start pushing and apparently I am a pro at pushing bc my Dr kept telling the students that were there "This is not a normal first time birth, this is not how first timers normally push" and about 45 minutes later baby was born!

12:02 PM Wednesday Feb 13 this little angel came into the world and completely stole her mama and daddy's hearts! Brighton Lynn arrived weighing 7lb 1oz and was 18 inches long!

She was 6 weeks exactly yesterday and still completely has her mama and daddy's hearts! And she just gets cuter and cuter everyday!