"Patiently" waiting

Anybody else trying so hard to be patient? My due date is sept 20th. Last appt I was 2cm dilated, 75% thinned and baby fully engaged at 0 position. Dr did a membrane sweep and stretch and got us to 3cm. List mucus plug the day after the sweep. Really wishing baby would make his appearance, this anticipation is awful!!
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Due the 20th...trying to be patient. 😁My most hated phrase is also "baby will come when ready"...yea no kidding, thanks for the insight! Ready to get this show on the road!!!


Shayna • Sep 14, 2015
So sick of hearing that! And "baby needs to cook longer" also "did you have the baby yet?"


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28th and no more patience left. I'm done!


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I'm due the 20th too! Dr offered the sweep, but it was a different dr in the practice and I thought he was a bit creepy for me. I'll take my normal dr up on it at the next appointment! I'm so ready! 


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I'm due on the 19th - I had stretch and sweeps with my first two, but in thinking this time around, I might just wait and let things comes naturally! Good luck mamas!


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I'm also due the 20th! Only 1 week ladies! I'm incredibly impatient and don't know how to clam myself. If I hear, she'll come when she's ready, one more time I'm going to scream. I have an appointment tomorrow and am going to ask for my membranes to be swept because I'm ready to be done and meet my sweet baby girl.


Casey • Sep 14, 2015
🙌🏻🙌🏻 agreed!!!


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I'm ok. Due on Saturday and I'm not in a huge hurry. My mom arrives on Wednesday and I'd like to wait until then at least. Trying to enjoy some time with my 2 year old until then.  


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Due the 20th too! I declined a cervical check last week and had regular contractions (every 5 min for 2 hours) that faded off this morning and am praying she shows her face either tonight and tomorrow! I'm trying so hard to be patient!


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I'm due on the 20th too. As of last week I was still at 1 cm. no one has talked of sweeping membranes or anything. Tired of hearing "just enjoy your family of 2" or baby will come when she's ready. I'm sick of leg cramps and ready to go already lol 


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I don't think I've been 'patient' this whole pregnancy but especially not in the third trimester. I've got 8 days left till my c-section and every day feels like a week. 


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I'm due the 25th and starting to get to the point where I'm done. Trying to be patient I know I have a little under 2 weeks. But I've just about had enough. 😅