Waiting to be discharged (awful delivery story)

Victoria • Baby boy march 2019

Well, after a 3 day hospital stay I am waiting to be discharged so I figured I'd share my birth story.

Well at my 39 week appt, the dr told me if I wanted to have a successful vaginal delivery she was not going to let me go past 40 weeks. Considering my baby was measuring over 8lbs and she was worried the estimated weight was off on the heavier side. So she told me to pick a induction date, I picked my due date to be induced thinking well if my son wants to come early he still has time. If not well he will be here his due date.

Well 40weeks comes and baby didnt. So I head to the hospital to be induced at 5am and my induction starts at 7am. My beginning dilation was at a 3. So doctor figured at 9am she would break my water in hopes that baby would come down and dilation would start. Well, 2pm the contractions get stronger and stronger and I finally caved and asked for an epidural( greatest relief). Well they checked me again for dilation and still I was at a 3. Well I continued on in labor trying to relax and hope my body and son would cooperate and I could have the "perfect" delivery I planned (no epidural, and vaginally). Well 10:30pm comes and now I am at 4 but my stuff still feels as if he is too high. Well dr comes in and tells me she didnt feel right about something cause everytime she would check my cervix should would push the baby up. So she told me baby is in position but.something isnt right so I would like to go ahead and perform a csection. (Of course devastated) I cried but I agreed, I didnt wanna risk anything happening to my son. Well, 11pm, i am on the operating table, and ready to see my son. They ask if i felt anything before performing the csection. I said no, cause i didnt feel anything. Well, come to find out externally I was numb, however, internally i was not. So i felt EVERYTHING!!!!! I was screaming on the table and trying to break my hands free, I hear my sons cry and I hear the anesthesiologist say "show her the baby, show her the baby." Then I fell asleep. Well I wake up and I'm back in my room, my mom is holding my son, my husband beside me. I try so hard to wake up from being put under cause I want to hold and feed my son. I finally get half way awake and my son is crying and hungry. So I beg them to please let me feed him and hold him. That's when I realized I had made the most beautiful 9lb 6oz baby boy and I didnt care how awful I felt I was just happy he was okay.

Later my doctor told me she was glad with the call she made cause turns out my son was too big for me to push out. and he was getting stuck, so I would have been in labor for hours long had I have argued and begged for more time to have my "perfect" delivery. On top of that my sons umbilical cord was wrapped around him.