Due 9/10, arrived 9/13. Natural hospital birth overseas!

Our little man arrived 9-13, just as I was going through some serious emotional turmoil about being past my due date. We live in Istanbul and my parents flew out 9/5-9/16. I was getting anxious about the timing but found peace in Gods ultimate plan. And it turns out- it was a perfect plan!
Holy moley labor IS laborious. 
I had been having strong, semi-consistent contractions for 4 days 😒😁. My water broke in bed at 4:30 on 9/13. Baby boy arrived at 3:20pm. We were laboring in the hospital for 9 hours and progressed well throughout.
They're right - pushing is a relief. It's like "yes I can DO something now!" But so exhausting. I dilated to 10 by 1pm but he was still at 0 station. Dr started talking about pitocin and that gave me new motivation. My husband looked at me at 3:15 and said "you've got this! Show them how strong you are" whew that did it! Those were the most intense, painful, rewarding, glorious, terrible 5 minutes of my life. 
 I KNOW some of the factors that really helped me:
My husband keeping me focused and constantly expressing his love to me. 
Deeeeeep, guttural breaths through contractions. 
The comfort I felt with my dr. 
A birthing stool. It felt like a toilet and baby descending felt like a huge poop. 😜
Speaking positively throughout. Telling my husband, mom, and dr how great they are (get the good chemicals flowin!!). & talking out loud about how baby is coming soon!! 
Glorious experience. Hope it encourages some of you!
 This is Kaya George Kelley