Emotional Breakdown

Ciara • Double c-section boy mom: 2019 and 2021

I haven’t had one of these in awhile but I think my hormones are getting the best of me. Today I literally had to go in the closet and cry for a few minutes I was so frustrated. My grandparents are here waiting for me to deliver and I’m not due until April 12. I thought he’d be here already but I’m not even dilated at all yet. My husband is so easy going and that’s getting on my nerves. My grandparents just complain about things that don’t make since - things that are different. WELL OBVIOUSLY, THIS IS VA NOT AL, EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT AND THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME, IT’S OURS!!!!

My parents are wanting to come down now too! Ugh I just want everybody out of my house. I already miss the days of just me, my husband and the dog. I’m just over it. No real purpose to this post, I just to express myself to somebody who may understand what I’m going through. Jesus let this child come soon so everybody can see him and they go the hell home