Doll or not?? Long post...

Ok mamas and mamas to be I need some input here!!! After we found out that I was pregnant with baby number two I started thinking about what I may need to do to help my son transition with this huge change in his life. My Son is a HUGE mama's boy and gets so jealous when I hold any other baby no matter the age. He starts to cry and wriggle out of the arms of daddy's arms and gets worse until I finally am holding him in my arms again. He is only 19 months old. I mentioned to my DH that I wanted to get my son a real life baby doll to help him to transition to being a big brother. I have heard of moms Who pretend to nurse with the doll in front of their toddler and get them used to the whole idea. I want the doll to help him to be gentle with baby #2 and holding baby softly and not hurting his little sibling. My nephew is super rough with his little brother and had dropped him on purpose because he was so jealous. Nephew also pinches his little baby brother and is super mean to baby. So this has made me super nervous. He never had a transition before having brother show up!! My in laws are completely AGAINST me getting my son a doll or something to help with this transition and said that my nephew turned out just fine. (They are super red neck and rough and tough and my FIL is afraid my son will become too femanine) My father in law pulled my DH aside and was pleading with him to not allow me to get my DS a boy doll. They said that I should just be around lots of babies and stuff before baby is born. That babies adjust just fine and not to worry about it at all. I am not at all opposed to spending time with other mothers with babies and holding them and all that jazz. The issue is the babies are not in our home and in our routine and around his comfort area. Plus this is my child and I should be able to do what I want in raising my son the way I want. I feel like I am not going to be able to do what I want because my in laws feel like they need to have all input in my family. So this is a huge issue that I am trying to fight. Is there any suggestions as to how to work through this? Any Articles that will support my desire for my DS? Any testimonials of doing this in your own home? I plan to nurse baby #2 and need the support from my family and would like to have my son be a little more familiar with the act of it. Anything will help mammas!!!!! Thank you in advance!!