My brand new twins!

Finnleigh • Please pray my little 5 year old needs a heart❤🙏

So at like 1:00 on this day March 31 I woke up in a pool of pee in my bed and I told my husband and we called his parents so they could watch our kids. Then we went to the hospital it took us about 5 or 10 minutes to get there. When we arrived they took us to a room right away. The nurse that was with me told me that the baby's would have to stay in the NICU for a couple of days. I was already at 10 centimeters when we got there so the doctor told me it was time to push. So I did and my little boy was born we named him London William Higgins after my father who had past away when I was one. Then it was time for my little girl so I pushed for about 2 to 3 minutes. Then finally my little girl was welcomed to the world. But then the doctors told me that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck but they got it off safely. and we welcomed Lucheia Mae Higgins to our hearts. So they are in the NICU right now but they are coming home in a week!

My little boy!