Doctoral defense, 5 month old!


Hi mamas!

You all were so helpful a couple months ago when I was finishing doctoral dissertation edits, just about losing my mind with the lack of sleep with baby & trying to write up til 1, 2am and working 😫

The day has come! Rather than push it back, I powered through to finish my PhD this May! My defense is in 2 days. Hubby is bringing baby so we can take lots of photos, God willing that it goes smoothly.

Honestly, life still feels like a blur since he’s been born, and while this is a major life goal of mine, I view it in a different perspective now as a mom. I want it done so I can move onto the next steps in my career & focus on my son without the worry of a major project & finishing a degree.

I’ll update in a couple days; please send positive thoughts for success - soooo nervous!!