What the fuck need to rant sorry


Okay so pretty much I grew up w shitty friends in a shitty town at a shitty school. I had a shitty life for a while I had no particular reason but I wanted to kill myself because my life sucked so I moved, multiple times because of my dads fucking job and i was ripped from my only good friends and the only good things over and over again so i finally move to where I am now and I’m finally fucking happy. I have amazing friends and I met this amazing guy. And I loved him. I still do. It had been 5 months and everything was great. He didn’t ever really touch me until about month 4 but finally he worked up the courage and held my hand then one night he kissed me and it was amazing and he kissed me again another time and I felt so happy and so comfortable with him and so safe because I knew that I could tell him everything. We’re only 14 so no one expected our relationship to last but it did because it was built on friendship. He was my best friend. No matter what was happening we always texted each other goodnight and good morning and told each other everything. I loved him. I loved him so much. So finally I told him how I felt. I told him I loved him. And guess what? He decided he doesn’t love me... he didn’t even respond. He talked to me at school and said he wasn’t ready. He said he’s sorry. And he said I’m his friend. And he said he cares about me and likes how we were. But he said he didn’t think anything else would work out... I told him I loved him and somehow we went back to being strangers. He didn’t talk to me, look at me, he didn’t even walk in the same direction between classes I’d he could avoid it. I mean, I did the same but the look in his eyes when he did finally look at me. I could see how he never really cared and how although he told me he would never hurt me and although he told me I was pretty and he promised he would be there’s even though he game me all these signs and I actually thought there was the slightest chance that maybe he felt the same. He told me he wasn’t ducking ready. I told him everything. EVERYTHING. And he just ignores me. Fuck this. Fuck him. Fuck life. I fucking loved him. And he just forgot me and moved on..