Help!! Ovulating without a cycle??


OK ladies! I need some feedback. I have not had my period since December. It’s been 4 months. I did have a miscarriage the first weekend in February. Since my miscarriage, I have not had a period yet. However, this morning I felt the “egg white “cervical mucus and was curious if this could be ovulation for me. I decided to check my clear blue digital ovulation test just “to see” even though I know I have not yet had my menstrual cycle. This is the first time the test had the standstill smiley face image, which means I’m at my peak according to the test. I know when you have PCOS these tests are not very accurate, however, because my cervical mucus matches exactly what ovulation is supposed to look like I decided to test to see if it would at all match the icons on the test. And it did. Is it possible when you have PCOS to be ovulating without having your cycle???