Convinced I Miscarried at 10 Weeks😢

Amber • I am a mother and foster mother, teacher, painter, and singer. We are expecting our second baby in November. God has blessed our family!

Hey there. According to my lmp I am 10 weeks now. Well, I started having brownish discharge on Thursday right before noon. Well there was some cramping, not much and the brown discharge, ranging from light to dark, stayed until Saturday night, when it started getting red. I didn't need a pad until the next day, when it had turned red and bad Sunday morning, still not much cramping. Well last night I had a horrible pain in my abdomen that wasn't sharp but mild, and stayed for awhile. I passed lots of tiny clots and some big ones. A really scary looking one was passed today. I'm bleeding like a period and am so scared. I cannot afford to go to the er, but I have an ultrasound tomorrow at 1030. What are the chances I am safe and haven't miscarried? Or perhaps, just miscarried one baby as perhaps there were twins? They run in my family. The blood seems to be slowing now though I can't be sure. Still have postitive pregnancy tests, though I know it would take time for the hormone to leave. I'm so scared of going on and seeing the baby not alive. Any good feelings will help.

More than anything, I am emotionally drained from this.

Been trying since April to no avail.