My boyfriend is vape OBSESSED 🤦🏼‍♀️

We’ve been together a year and a half & ever since the beginning, he’s been really into vaping. Lately it’s turned into an obsession. He always goes to this one shop and he’s part of some “crew” as of last week (which is really just a group mostly of grown men who vape at that store and have social medias centered around it). So guess what he’s been doing ever since? Spending 99% of his time at this shop or on social medias FOR the shop. Today he spent 10 hours at this shop, and when I asked him why, he said it was bc there was a bunch of people there and he was having fun.

He says it’s just a hobby to him, but I feel like this is something completely different. He doesn’t work since losing his job a few months ago and he’s spent more time focusing on vape things than finding work. He falls asleep with a vape in his hand. He vapes 24/7 unless he’s asleep. When he did work, about half of the money from his checks went to this place.

I love him but this is ridiculous. But his family already gives him so much shit for it that he doesn’t wanna hear about it.