Any fellow travelers? Question about Peru and Zika


I am obsessed with traveling and have been planning my dream trip to Peru since September. We have everything planned/booked for late May this year. We found out I'm pregnant a few weeks ago (7 weeks now) so I'll be about 15 weeks then. This was not planned (we were using protection) so it has taken us by surprise. My doctor said we should reconsider the whole trip because of Zika.

The more I read the more I find out that if avoiding the Amazons I should be OK but hubby is not too convinced.

Our itinerary includes:





It seems that Cusco and Puno are not a problem because of the elevation and I'll be OK with swapping Paracas for Arequipa and use repellent while in Lima.

I would be so sad if I had to cancel my deam trip, but also would not forgive myself if something happens because of me taking unnecessary risks.

Any words of wisdom from anyone?