I have a question.... implantation supposedly a myth!

Carla • MC 30.08.18 MC 14.02.19 Rainbow baby Roman born 10/12/19 TTC 2022 Ectopic sept 14.09.23 TTC 2024

So with both my pregnancy bbt charts I had what I think are implantation dips to coverline. My question is the common theme for both of these charts were that the dips was at 6dpo. So today I’m 6dpo and I haven’t had a dip to cover line. Does this now mean I’m out? Can you have “implantation dips” on different days with different pregnancies. Both pregnancies ended in miscarriage. So now I’m 6 dpo and I’ve had no big dip like usual I’m thinking I’m out! Ladies any of you had what you believe to be implantation dips at different times in your tww and gone on to have healthy pregnancies. Clinging to the hope that I still have a chance here. I’ve added my chart looks a bit weird to me, not like my usual.