9 weeks


Couple days late but wanted to post after my first sono.

Ahhhh yayyyy. Had my first sono and it was great. So much anxiety leading up to it. I cried on the way there, in the waiting room , during and after lol . They were probably like this poor woman. I think some people expected I had heard bad news. But all happy tears.

+ baby measured 9w1d. Heart rate in the 180s but mine was through the roof so I am sure bebes was too !

++I have this weight lifted off my chest.

+++ symptoms this weeks.

Boobie pain is back, it had stayed to settle. Nausea is still there, comes and goes. But it's a pain, I have mad respect for women who have hyperemesis!! Couldnt imagine! Ginger helps as well as the preggy drops.

++++ we told the kiddos last night and they are so excited , my son wants a brother and wants to name him "bumblebee" my daughter wants a sister and wants to name her "flower" ,I feel like these are some celebrity names lol .

+++++my belly is moving up, and you can tell it's not as pokey and more rounded. They did a regular sonogram and didnt have to do a transvaginal which was nice ! I cant wait for the next scan !

Easy post this week !