How to stop being attracted/attached to someone?

How to stop being attached to someone? How to stop being attracted to them?

I’m a girl and my whole life I’ve been into boys. Suddenly I’m attracted and attached to this girl I know who I’m pretty sure doesn’t feel the same way towards me and even if she did, I don’t think it’ll go anywhere.

She’s in all of my dreams and suddenly all the songs I listen to describe her or how I feel about us.

I think she knows that something is up, because I can’t help but blush when she’s around or if someone mentions her name. My friends have noticed and my Mom did too and they all think that I should just be “over her.” I keep telling them that I am, but I’m not. I decided to stop texting her online, but I’m getting this burning sensation in my chest now. I hate how her texts or whatever affect me so much. I hate how I’m so obsessed with her. I hate how I daydream of kissing her. I want it all to go away. Anyone been through a similar experience? How to just make it all disappear?