I’m One Proud Auntie!!😭💙


So, when my baby nephew was 20 months old he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He was in full blown DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) & we almost lost him. The doctor told my sister if she had waited till morning to bring him to the ER that he wouldn’t have woken up.

His A1C (test that reflects your average blood glucose for the past 3 months) was 13.9 at diagnosis.

He’s now 3 years old, he got the omnipod insulin pump last month. He had a follow up appointment with his endocrinologist today... his A1C is down to 6.9!!!

The “perfect” score for a NON-diabetic is 6.5!

I am just so, so, SO proud of my nephew. I’m proud of my sister & all of the hard work she’s done & continues to do taking care of him & her 3 other children (who are not diabetic) on top of working a full time job.

I just had to let all this emotion out. I just can’t believe how well he’s done. ☺️

For those of you who don’t know (because I know I’m gonna get asked this question), T1D is an autoimmune disorder. With T1D your pancreas does not make enough insulin for your body. HE WILL NEVER OUTGROW THIS. THERE IS CURRENTLY NO CURE. Although his A1C is almost perfect, that does not mean he is cured. It just means that his diabetes is very much under control.