10 week ultra sound no heart beat


I’m wondering anyone’s thoughts or opinions on what is going on and if I should be worried or not. Today I had my first doctors appt and she couldn’t find the heart beat with the fetal Doppler so she brought in an ultra sound machine which was basically an old looking laptop with really poor quality. She made the comment this was her first time using it and she hadn’t realized how much it sucked. With that she found where the baby was, it was kind of in a weird spot so she tried again with the fetal Doppler and again nothing.

After that she basically said while just come back in 2 weeks so you can hear the heart beat, it will make it seem more real for you. Sorry you didn’t really get anything out of this visit. And then left.

When she brought in the ultrasound and found the baby she said it looked like it was the right size but it just looked like a blob to me, but I think that has to do with the quality of the ultra sound. Also I haven’t been having any miscarriage symptoms, no blood or cramping, and still have my pregnancy symptoms (sore breasts, nausea, etc)

I’m worried something is wrong though because what I’m reading on the internet it seems like they should be able to find the heart beat at 10 weeks. Has anyone else had this or something like this happen?? I’m going to be dying of anticipation til my next appt in 2 weeks 😭