My husband is giving up

Jennifer • Mommy to Robert Patrick!

So we haven’t been trying for that long but he’s giving up. He was on testosterone injections for low testosterone until we found out it basically makes him infertile. He’s been on HCG injections since January with basically no increase in testosterone. He had a melt down today and is refusing to try anything else and wants to go back on the injections. I’m so heartbroken. So I basically said is this your way of. telling me we’re not going to have children? He’s like idk but I can’t keep feeling like this and I can’t wait to see if something else may work when I know the injections do. I know he feels horrible, but I feel like he’s giving up on us too. Having children is important to me and idk what to do either. I wish he would try one other treatment before doing something that could potentially ruin our chances forever.