Weight gain

Vee • One little man, blessed with another on the way 💜🤰🏻

I am trying so hard everyday not to feel self conscious about the 60+ pounds I’ve gained but it’s so hard. I’ve been around 120-125 my whole life and now this is my second pregnancy and second time I’ve gained this much weight. Luckily I lost it all with my first but I was getting depressed on how I look. Which is ridiculous. My husband still thinks I’m beautiful my son obviously doesn’t care and nobody else has noticed I guess which may be just as bad as if they did notice.

Ugh. I just hate that I hate feeling this way. I am able to grow such a beautiful life inside me and if this is all that it takes I am grateful. Just self conscious now 😭 all I keep thinking about is how I’m still going to be chubby after my baby comes. I won’t be able to work out until dr okays it either.

Thanks for reading. I just needed somewhere to vent where possibly someone feels the same way and not just tell me what they think I want to hear.