Positive LH?

Courtney • Mama to 👧🏼 (4.25.09) 👦🏼 (7.22.10) 👼🏼 (9.14.18) 👧🏼 (1.6.20)

Back story- miscarriage in September and it was a partial molar SO I had to wait 6 months before trying again. This is the 6th month, we for the go ahead from the doctor and this is my first time <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> with strips. Usually just monitored CM. Second photo is all the strips from this cycle (I have a 37-40 day one)

Is this positive or just really close?? BD last night and was planning on every other for the rest of the week but wondering if we should again tonight too... wouldn’t hurt right?? 😉

The bottom one on the second photo is from today, I think that’s why it looks darker- it’s fresh

Thanks for the tips/advice in advance ladies! Hoping this is the month!